Silversea: The Artic 2024/25

2024 Expedition Team Spotlight BERNARDO ALPS — ORNITHOLOGIST AND MARINE BIOLOGIST Bernardo is the Adjunct Research Scientist at the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium in San Pedro and a member of the West Coast Large Whale Entanglement Team. His formal education was in journalism before transitioning to the fields of seabird and marine mammal research. His love of exploring faraway places and the wonders of discovery and adventure has led him to Silversea. ANDREW WEBB — WILDLIFE GUIDE Andy is a Zoology graduate from Durham University who worked as a seabird ecologist for the UK Government to survey the distribution and abundance of seabirds around north and west Scotland. Andy now works for Silversea as a wildlife guide and ornithology lecturer in the South Atlantic and Antarctica and in north and west Scotland. VICTORIA SALEM — HISTORY, CULTURE AND EXPLORATION LECTURER Victoria has travelled extensively in Northern Europe, the Arctic and Antarctica for the past 21 years. She has worked with expedition voyages for 38 seasons at both ends of the Earth and many places in between; she has held several different positions within the expedition team, but her main role has been as a lecturer — on history, culture, and exploration. ALEX (SASHA) FREL — HISTORIAN Alex is a US and Czech national who graduated from Moscow State University with a Master’s degree in Russian literature. Alex is an avid traveller with a keen interest in desert environments. He enjoys sailing, bird watching, visiting historical and archaeological sites, and working as a historian on Silversea expedition voyages all over the world. LEA MCQUILLAN — MARINE BIOLOGIST Lea has an honours degree in Environmental Management, and has worked on various international research projects including coral reef habitat mapping on the second biggest barrier reef in Belize. Lea has travelled all over the world on expedition ships and is passionate about the marine environment and its natural biodiversity. MILA LASSUY — ARCHAEOLOGIST Mila has enjoyed and respected the outdoors well before she knew she could make it a career. During her time studying archaeology at the University of Oregon, she had the privilege to visit and conduct research on a variety of Pacific islands, including Rapa Nui (Easter Island), where she conducted her thesis research on small stone tools on that island. HEDDA ANDERSEN — GLACIOLOGIST Hedda was born and raised in the countryside outside Oslo, Norway and now lives on Svalbard in the Arctic. She graduated from the University Centre in Svalbard and University of Oslo with a Master’s degree in Glaciology in 2024 after completing her undergraduate in Geology in 2021. Hedda is an experienced nature guide in the polar regions. MICHAEL CALLAGHAN — EXPEDITION LEADER Michael studied in Tourism at Concordia University and Outdoor Leadership at College Mérici in Quebec, Canada. He has over 20 years of experience in all polar regions, as well as the Caribbean, Alaska, and Mexico. Having Michael’s easy-going style combined with his love of the natural world will help ensure that your expedition is unforgettable. KEVIN MORGAN — WILDLIFE GUIDE Kevin carries out wildlife surveys in the UK, has lead whale-watching trips since 1987 and has worked regularly on expedition cruise ships since 2004, completing over 240 voyages and 2,600 days of exploration. Over this time, he has observed most of the world’s cetaceans and seabirds, with the knowledge of where to lookout for them — such as the “the drop off”! KRISTIAN PEDERSEN — RESEARCHER Kristian is an academic from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland whose in-depth research covers maritime adaptations in northern Europe from the Stone Age to the Viking Age. He has investigated the development of commercial fisheries and the whaling industry. Kristian is keen to give talks to Silversea guests and answer questions on archaeological subjects. CHRIS HARBARD — ORNITHOLOGIST Chris is a well-known British ornithologist and conservationist who lives in Cambridgeshire. After working for 24 years with the world’s largest bird conservation organisation, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Chris has been naturalist lecturer onboard ships for over six years in the Arctic, Antarctic, North Atlantic and North Pacific. ALEXANDRA HANSEN — POLAR HISTORIAN & NATURALIST Having graduated from Kenyon College in 2017 with a BA Degree in International Studies, Asian Studies, and China Area Studies, Alexandra focused her career on sharing her passion for the world’s wild spaces. She has worked on all seven continents with our Expeditions and enjoys inspiring guests about nature and culture by Zodiac, on the ship, and ashore. She’s certified as a Senior Polar Guide & Assessor and Wilderness First Responder, so you’re in safe hands.